Friday, January 11, 2008


So, when I woke up this morning and turned on my mobile phone...I had a few missed calls and some text messages. Major happenings here in the Middle East. Earth Shattering! Crazy! Unexpected! So, what crazy event, what incident or happening could have this much impact that friends from all over the city are calling and texting me to inform me of the early morning news?


Of course, I ran out side and got an unsuspecting neighbor to take a picture of me in the rain. (He was laughing the whole time). Not to mention the guys in the guard box (down the road to my right) were wondering why the heck I was out standing in the rain...I didn't hear them, but they were probably laughing as well. Slight FYI...all of this concrete, marble, and granite is slippery as heck since it never rains here. Be careful walking around...I have almost fell a few times.

So, there you go folks. I have been in this country since July 2, 2007. Over 6 months later I see my first precipitation. Isn't that crazy? It was a light/medium drizzle, but the drainage is so bad here you would think it rained 3 inches. My back yard is flooded.

I think I am going to pull my car out and let the rain rinse it off....


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