Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So, I still love you all, but I have been on the computer for days and days now. The last thing I want to do is come home and get on the computer. Anyway, my leadership class starts Monday and I am excited. My teaching skills will be put to the test. I get excited when I talk about stuff that I like, so I have to slow down a bit so I don't lose these guys...no worries.

Anyway, we went to the Ritz last night for the Iftar dinner. They had every type of food, hot and cold, drinks (non-alcoholic), seesha, music, dancing, etc. The food was from Morocco, India, Arabia, Lebanon, Italy, etc, etc, too much to mention. I felt like it was thanksgiving dinner you are so full you just want to lay down. It was crazy. They even has a Whirling Derbish? If that is what he is called (I was told..so if I am wrong, sorry) This guy spins in a really heavy dress for about 15-20 minutes. I would be throwing up in a minute, but he does that and keeps going. I think he would win the game where you spin around bat then swing and try to go to first.

Anyway, I will tell you more later, but I need to get to bed. Here are some pictures from last night.

Ok the pictures are not loading and I need to get to bed...so stay tuned folks!

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