Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fri, July 13th

So Dr. K, Dr. B, Nurse B, and I decided to find this old fort that Nurse B had found in his exploring of the country over the last few months. We headed north about 10:00 am. Friday mornings are great for doing things like this because it is the Muslim holy day and the roads and things are empty. Not many stores or shops are open, but things like this, or even getting out and seeing the country by driving around are good things to do.

Needless to say, B is not good with directions. We got off numerous roads and they were not the where we needed to be. We actually made it all the way to Al Khor in the northern part of the country, where HMC has another hospital and some of our staff work at. There are also numerous EMS stations up there that I have not seen, but that is forthcoming. Since we were up north, we decided to head to the cornice (which is like their beach) and check it out. We also stopped at a place where there were 100s of fishing boats that were in. See pictures to follow.
So then we headed back down the road. We ended up finding the fort after searching from numerous areas. I think it was more of an old fort type building that was being remodeled, but it was interesting none the less. After touring the fort, we had to break in of course, we stopped at a shady pavilion and had a quick snack of cheese, bread, oranges, and water. A nice complete snack.
We headed back to the hotel, and I went to the gym. After my workout, I had to take a quick shower and get the barber shop by 5. There was no one in there, so I got right in. 2 guys that I think have their sexuality in question cut my hair. Most of the time you get the best haircuts that way! Well they were having issues with me not wanting it all styled up and glamorous, but we finally got through it and I told them how to cut my hair correctly. I am going to find somewhere else to go, however because it was 100 Riyals to get it cut here (Thats $27 US). So a new location is underway. Dr. K and I went to dinner and then headed to the Old Souks again. Dr. K is about a week away from his anniversary and important family birthdays. So he was buying stuff left and right. I was just enjoying walking through and talking with the locals, no to mention checking out some of the cool things. Doc bought a whole bunch of stuff, I got a couple of runner carpets that were made in Qatar and they are a awesome blue and gold. I spent about $27 for both of them, so it was a light day for me. We headed back to the hotel and up to 23 for a drink. After a drink I went to the room because I had to get up early on Saturday for a physical that is required by HMC. Pittsburgh gives us all these tests before we leave, to be sure that we will pass them all when we get here. So today was a physical, vitals, history, and TB test. Monday it is fasting blood work and a chest x-ray. Tuesday I have to go get my TB test read. Nothing like good old government controlled hospitals!
On the way home from the hospital I got our driver to stop and I took some pictures of my new place. Check it out. Later!

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